Pollen In Houston TX. And How It Can Affect You. Testing Is Available.

Pollen in Houston

During allergy season, high numbers of pollen in Houston counts are huge contributors to our itchy eyes, runny nose, and constant sneezing. Your car and outdoor furniture will most likely be covered in yellow dust during this time of year. These pollen spores are spread through the wind and come from various trees, grasses, and weeds. It’s important to know how we measure pollen, its seasonal patterns, and which varieties are most prevalent in Houston to determine your level of sensitivity. How Pollen is Measured

Pollen in Houston is measured per cubic meter of air by the Houston Health Department. The laboratory uses the Burkard Spore Trap to measure air samples, providing a daily report and recorded message for the pollen and mold spore count within the Area. The Burkard Spore Trap collects pollen and mold spores 10 liters/ min, 24 hours a day.

*Houston Health Department

Top Pollen Types by Pollination Phase

  1. Phase 1: Tree Pollen

Tree pollen kicks off allergy season in the spring. The highest pollen counts come from oak, as Texas has the largest varieties of oaks in the United States. Houston’s other common tree pollen contributors are ash, hackberry, and pine.

  1. Phase 2: Grass Pollen

Grass pollen begins to circulate around late spring and summer. Species of grass that are culprits of allergy irritation include Timothy, Bermuda, Bahia, Orchard, Sweet vernal, red top, and some blue grasses.

  1. Phase 3: Weed Pollen

You can expect pollen from local weeds to spread throughout the area in late summer and fall. Ragweed, nettle, mugwort, and sagebrush are common weed pollinators in Houston.

What Can You Do To Prevent Irritation From Pollen in Houston?

The number one way you can mitigate the potential for an allergic reaction set on by local pollen is to limit your time outside. If you must go out, check the pollen in Houston count and time your outings during periods when pollen levels are low. During a typical day, pollen counts are lowest in the early morning and late afternoon to early evening. Weather conditions can affect normal pollination time periods, so continue to check our website to monitor pollen count levels.

If you must go outside during peak pollination periods, wear sunglasses to protect your eyes and change your clothes once you return home to prevent pollen from settling into your home. Take a shower right after to ensure any pollen is washed out of your hair and from your skin. Make sure to close all windows and doors to reduce the circulation of pollen from the air within your home.

Determining Sensitivities Through Testing

If your reactions to pollen in Houston continue to worsen, we recommend an allergy test to determine your pollen sensitivities. We provide comprehensive allergy testing to pinpoint allergy irritants through skin or blood tests. Once reactants are identified, our Board Certified Allergists can formulate a treatment plan to help relieve your symptoms.

Schedule an Appointment

If you are struggling with seasonal allergies and need relief, contact our McGovern Allergy and Asthma Clinic team today. Call 713-661-1444 to schedule an appointment, or request an appointment here:
